Monday, October 13, 2008

Another End

We've had to have our wonderful Siamese cat put to sleep.

His name was Oniko, and he was eleven years old. But in the last year, he was having trouble jumping onto chairs, due to arthritis.

He was losing a bit of weight in September, which would be a good thing. Except that starting on Wednesday of this week, he was unable to eat or drink, and on Thursday evening, he was in obvious distress. My Beloved took him to the vet on Friday; he was diagnosed with diabetes, which had damaged his liver and possibly kidneys. They transferred him to a 24-hour care vet, who called yesterday (Saturday), with the news that he was showing extreme jaundice, and wasn't responding to treatment. They could have done an MRI and inserted a feeding tube, but they could not promise any quality of life, and didn't think the prognosis would be at all good no matter what interventions we paid for (and pay we did!!).

So Middle son and I bicycled to the vet yesterday to say our goodbyes to a friend and companion. And Onkio has been given his chance to fly...


Dawn Allenbach said...

I'm sorry, Neil. That bites.

Victor Kellar said...

It's always sad, no matter what the reason, when you have to help a pet in this way. Over eleven year ago we put down our beloved Gigs who, at nearly 15 years, had lived a long healthy life, I think of him still. But that is our duty and responsibility as animal caregivers

Neil said...

Thank you both. Yes, it is our responsibility to look after them, even in this last, most distasteful way. We couldn't let him suffer, not after all the love he gave us. He will be remembered for a long, long time.


Unknown said...

It never ceases to amaze me how our little critter children can get into our heart. Then when it's their time to go the sorrow that they leave behind. I am sorry to hear about Oniko. I think you did the right thing though I am sure it hurt terribly.

Good news is I have finalised the t-ahirt design and company. Jump on over to my blog there are more details there.

Again Neil I am sorry for your loss.